Living with Diabetes means many different things to many people. For example to me diabetes means 2 finger pricks a day to calibrate my Dexcom CGM, 1 needle stick every 3 days when i change my insulin pump site, lots of carb counting, correcting with insulin for highs and treating with candy/juice for lows. These are the main things that i do to kinda keep my blood sugars under control. Some people have multiple injections a day and lots of finger pricks. Some people just take a pill and watch there diet to control there diabetes.
Diabetes is different for everyone know two diabetics deal with the exact same things in the same way it just doesn't happen. Its all about preferences like someone may prefer treating lows with juice instead of candy or glucose tabs. Some people can bring there high numbers down with more exercise and less insulin were others need more insulin. The point of me saying this is so people now that you cant compare your diabetes to someone Else's what works for Jane may not work for Joe. don't let it get to you keep your head up talk to your doctor and try something new or different.
Having a good support system helps tremendously whether is family, friends or a Facebook group that you can talk and vent to. I used to feel so alone when i was first diagnosed like know one had any idea what i was going through. I didn't know anyone else with diabetes and my family and friends new way less about it then i did. I recently have found blogs, facebook groups and even Youtube channels showing me that there is a whole community of people that know what your going through. These are the things that make me feel normal again and not so alone. I have used these tools to help educate my family and friends that are close to me so that i know i am safe and the people around me will no what to do in case something happens.
There are so many things involved with living with diabetes it can feel very overwhelming at times but that's when you need to step back and do something fun, relieve some stress. Its not good to be stressed about your diabetes because stress and make your blood sugar go crazy. So don't let it stress you just take a minute and take to someone or my favorite diabetes related stress reliever is to watch diabetes videos on you tube.
Hope this helped and gave a bit of insight into how i deal with things and how you can to.
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