Hey everyone i just wanted to start this blog off by telling you a little about myself and what i have been through. This will help you to understand why i decided to start writing this blog. So lets jump right in and get to it.
So for starters my name is Ashley and I'm 27 years old I am a stay at home mom to 2 amazing children I have a son that is 7 and a daughter that is 3. I am also engaged for about a year not to the most amazing man ever and my very best friend we have not set a date yet as we have many things we would like to accomplish and settle before we get hitched haha.
As for the reason behind this blog I am a Type 1 Diabetic i was diagnosed just over 4 years ago in march 2013. The first 2 years after my diagnosis were for lack of a better word Hell. I was on insulin injections and it was just not working for me. I'm not gonna lie I was bad I was not eating right and I was not taking my insulin as i was supposed to it was really just an all around bad situation. I just couldn't cope i guess you can say i was in denial I didnt want to be diabetic and have to poke my finger and give myself shot a million times aday so i guess i thought if i didnt do it then it would go away. WRONG!!! I was hospitalized several times with DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis). I would say this happened maybe once a month to every other month so quite often and usually I was admitted for about a week each time. So after 2 years of this i was finally able to get my insurance to cover an insulin pump which was so awesome. I will tell you more about my pump in other posts but for now lets move on to present day.
So as I said my insurance finally approved my pump 2 years ago this was the Medtronic Minimed 530g. I loved this pump it was great but recently I needed something that would provide me with that much more freedom and mobility. I decided to try my insurance again to get the omnipod insulin pump. My Dr wasn't sure if they would cover it since my Medtronic pump was still under warranty but low and behold they did I think because it is a different kind of pump. So after they approved my omnipod my Dr wanted me to get a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) so we went with the Dexcom G5 mobile and the insurance cover it. So I am currently using the omnipod insulin pump and the decom g5 cgm and I really love both of them.
In closing just let me say thank you for reading this blog and please subscribe for more diabetes related posts and please please leave comments. i wanna hear your questions i will try to answer them all and i also what to hear what you would like me to blog about i am always up for new ideas.
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