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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Diabetes supplies need trackers

                   Ok so i know at some point in everyone's life as a diabetic at least once we have all lost or miss placed a vital piece of our diabetes managment supplies. Whether it was a BG meter, insulin, test srtips, lanceing device, or even in some case your pump, we have all done it at least once.  I lose my supplies all the time i am great for missplaceing things, I have lost meters test strips and the other day i miss placed the PDM (personal diabetes manager) for my omnipod.
                   So this it what happened i'll admit this was totally the fault of my own stupidity. On saturday night my fiance', my parents, a friend of ours and myself had just finished some work on the outside of my house (looks amazing btw lol). We were all sitting outside just talking and drinking a little and i am carrying my pdm with me i usually keep it in my purse unless i need it but for some reason i had it on me. So i guess i drink a little more then i thought then we all went to bed and i woke up around 5am feeling horrible i checked my sugar on my dexcom and it was like 380. So I go to get my pdm so i can give myself a correction bolus and its not in my purse like i thought it was so i start looking and panicing. I go outside like 3 times with a flash light looking all over for it and still no were to be found so finally i give up take an injection to correct my high and lay back down. At this point i am still pannicing because i cant find my pdm so im having trouble sleeping but i finally fall asleeep.
                    Fast forward to about 9am when i wake up feeling sort of hung over but mostly just run down and sick check my sugar again and its still pretty high. Reverting back to panic mode i start searching again then i notice that in my sleep i ripped my cannula out so im no longer getting any insulin. Hear comes the major panic now not only can i not get my self insulin with out an injection but i cant change my pod either. Finally i go back in my room and once again search all the cloths i hd on that night I pick up my hoodie that i don't remember wearing and low and behold my pdm is in the pocket Thank goodness.
                   The moral of this story is 1: don't have your pdm any were but your purse when you are drinking that is just not gonna work haha 2: these devices should have some way to track them when lost weather is a gps locator for instances when you lose it away from home and don't know were or some kind of bluetooth ringer so if its lost in your house you can hit a button on your phone to make it beep so you can find it that way. 

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